Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank You for Laughter

I'm on my lunch break right now and wanted to jot down just a few things that they Lord has been so good to bring to my attention.

First off, this has been the longest week I've seems like EVER! Get this-on Tuesday night I fell asleep at 8:30 p.m. and slept the whole night. Do ya think I was tired?! :) I woke up and had a monster of an imprint on both my arms. I don't think I moved once in my sleep. Jesus has been so faithful to lift me up and give me the strength to move right along. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but the Lord blessed me with something so sweet yesterday. Laughter. It get's better though--that morning I woke up and as I drove to work I was praying (I LOVE my car time with the Lord) I simply stated, " Ok, Jesus--today is a new day. Can you please allow me an opportunity to really laugh? I could really use it today." Well, needless to say, He heard my prayer and chose to answer it. I found myself laughing (pretty hard) that afternoon and all of a sudden I became aware that I was acutally laughing. Jesus wanted me to realize His answered prayer and I was able to thank Him on the spot. Oh, what a loving God I serve!!

Also, I heard something yesterday that has stuck in my mind and I've really been thinking on it since... Hope is more than optimism.

Ok, need to go. I hope you are blessed with the opportunity to laugh...and laugh hard today. It just feels so darn good! :)

Oh, p.s. --in case you haven't noticed i'm putting pics up from Africa as I go...Lord knows I have enough to last me a looong time!

Boy, there was a lot of laughter when this picture was taken. I laughed, and more importantly, all of the children did. They just couldn't believe a mzungu would be able to jump rope with them! (I silently prayed I wouldn't get slapped in the side of the head with the rope and then jumped in!)

Rejoicing in the Lord,

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