Saturday, July 26, 2008

Early to bed, Early to Rise

So, it happened again. I fell asleep last night at 7:30 p.m. That would explain why it is almost 5 in the morning right now. 4:42 to be exact. Last week I slept all the way through the night until a decent morning hour. That is obviously not that case this time. Trust me, I don't plan on making this a habit. It completely throws me off. More concerning is the fact that I'm falling asleep that early! Maybe my body is telling me it liked being in Africa better... :) Or, maybe I'm just EXTREMELY worn out and had 2 extremely stressful and emotional weeks back to back (not too long from being in Africa for 2 weeks). I'll settle for both just to make myself smile.

I guess I should probably update on my last post. He is home and doing extremely well considering all! The Lord never ceases to amaze me and for that I find myself running out of words to thank Him. He has allowed me to see Himself in this situation and I know He's only getting started! Thank you for your prayers! Please keep them coming. He and his family need them and I know I can speak for them when I say they appreciate each and every one.

I was blessed this past week to have some sweet, sweet girl time. I needed it. Bad. When I say I needed it, I don't mean "Yeah, it was nice and I'm glad it worked out." That is true; however, I mean that I cried out to God to PLEASE give me someone, anyone to talk to and laugh with and just BE with. He blessed me ten-fold. I had lunch with a precious friend who's honesty and sheer ability to express what she's feeling humbles me. She's not afraid to speak what's going on with her. I needed to see and hear that. The way the Lord uses us in each other's lives is just so fun and makes me so grateful. I stand in awe of Him because of the picture He paints of Himself and allowing me to see jut a taste of it in our friendship. I also got to hang out with the two gals I was roomies with in college for 2 years. Oh, man my heart just rejoices. I don't know that I could love them more. Kind of a bold thought, but true. Being able to share with each other our needs, our joys, and our lives with each other--even if it's only ever so often--is priceless. Plus, reminiscing about our college years never gets old. If you want to feel old, do just that. Just using the word reminisce makes me feel old. Ha. Oh, the good 'ol days. We definitely had many, many laughs thinking upon our time together at good 'ol 5315. Sometimes I wish I could go back. I don't doubt I would then probably want to move forward. It's amazing how that is.
Proverbs 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

Humility. I've had a good portion of this, this past week. So many times it can taste bitter doing down, but is food for the soul. It's a necessity. It's a crazy thing having the Lord reveal specific details from situations past that I otherwise would have never known. It is so completely obvious that the Lord protects me by hiding certain things from my eyes and then when He sees the time is right, for His glory, he slowly but surely reveals. Well, not always slowly. Sometimes it's like BAM--in your face. haha Regardless, He is so stinkin' faithful. I just love Him.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
Trust. I've had to do this in the process of being humbled. The Lord has pressed on me this week that for me to be able to fully accept being humbled I had to have trust that the Lord is fully capable of taking hold of my life. I know that, but in the moment it sure can be hard to grasp. Yet regardless of anything that has to do with me, He is in control.

Thank you, sweet Jesus.

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