Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here, there, everywhere...

Ok, so i'm sitting here in Illinois on 'official vacation' with the whole fam. I thought I would share a bit more of my trip and do a horrible job of putting into words what the Lord showed me while in Africa.

On Sunday June 22nd I was able to go to Gulu Bible Church with a number of people from Favour of God Ministries. This is Norma's church in Gulu. It was amazing. I'm telling you, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how they so freely worship the Lord. My muzungu self enjoyed dancing right along with everyone else! :) The message was solid and the love of Christ was overflowing! I was also able to go into the military barracks and walk right into the hospital. We literally walked up to every single bed and share the Gospel. A number of men surrendered their life to the Lord that day and a ton others were able to be encouraged in their walk. It seemed so simple. The willingness to receive the Gospel truly blew me away and I praised God for it! The Lord revealed a part of Himself to me and I will never be the same. I was also able to hear detailed stories of some of the guys there are Favour of God and the Lord's redemptive power overwhelmed me. No words can express what it's like to sit in front of a Godly young man who has been through what seems like Hell on earth and listen to him glorify a risen King giving Him glory for EVERYTHING and being emotionally moved at just how much His Savior loves and adores him. No words.

Tuesday June 24th--I had a serious meltdown. It was a mixture of things--it's always humbling to repent, apologize, suck it up, and move on. All the while not being able to stop was all good though--He's faithful and a mighty comforter! :)

Wednesday June 25th was our last full day in Gulu. I was dreading it. We got up and had the morning devotion like they do every single morning before starting the day. It was Norma's turn and the Lord used her to speak clearly to me. I don't want to be anywhere He is not. I desperately desire to be in His will consistently! I had the opportunity to talk for a while with yet another lovely young man of God who was genuinely interested in the Lord's work in my life. I was able to share with him just how amazing God is using examples in my life and I was blessed even more by his encouraging words and his desire to pray specifically for an area in my life. Man, his confidence and pure faith in the Lord just made me want to jump up and down!! :) Then we went and picked up Jenna (a sweet, sweet girl from California living in Gulu for the summer-instant friend!) and headed to town to shop for a little bit. That was fun. Martin and Judith had a little fair well for us and of course I bawled my eyes out as my team and I stood in a circle holding hands as everyone else stood around us praying for us and thanking the Lord for our time there. Sheesh it was hard. This night I had already decided I was going to be up pretty late because it was the last night and I wanted to spend time with my new friends as much as possible before I left. The Lord blessed me beyond measure. I had great conversation and won't forget it.

Thursday June 26th I was up by 5 (after going to bed at 2) and got everything together and ready to head out. I was sad and got in my usual mood when I don't want to think about leaving people I care greatly about...quiet and some what standoffish. I shed my tears, gave my hugs, and said my goodbyes. We headed to the fish farm again to eat lunch and then to Murchison falls. OH and get this. I had 200 pictures on my memory card that got deleted right after I left the Mission House. I was doing everything I could not to completely lose it. I know, just pictures right? But not to's much more than just a picture. Just when I was about to lost it a thought came to my mind--the night before David wanted to get my pics so he downloaded them all onto his computer. PRAISE JESUS HE HAD THEM ALL ON HIS COMPUTER! I couldn't help but smile---praise God for doing that for me. Now I'll just have to wait to get them in October when Norma gets back instead of not having them at all! Anyways, we got to Murchison Falls and it was so beautiful! I got to go on a boat ride down the Nile river that afternoon. I sat there thinking, "Man, I am actually on the Nile River, in Africa, in love with the Lord, tomorrow is my bday, it can't get much better than this!!" :) I did a lot of thanking the Lord that day. I also got to talk to mom and dad for a couple of minutes this night--it was good to hear their voices.

Friday June 27th--my day of birth 24 years ago. Now if waking up to a beautiful sunrise over the Nile River isn't surreal I don't know what is. I woke up to Norma's beautiful voice singing me happy bday. It was sweet. Then we headed out on the Safari. Yet again, awesome bday present from the Lord! :) I even got to take a nap this day!! haha Then, it rained for a bit and I got to enjoy the smell of the rain. Talking about rain--maybe it's just me, but rain has a smell to me...which I that true for anyone else? The reason I ask is I said that in Africa and one of the ladies was like, "What?? What does rain smell like??" and looked at me like I was crazy and for the first time I realized that not everyone may think that rain has a smell..a good smell. You should have heard me trying to explain what rain smells like to the Africans. I'm sure it would have been pretty amusing to hear. I realized something this day. I missed Gulu like a person would miss home. I don't exactly know what that means, but I know the Lord will show me in His timing. Oh, and I actually got a bday call!! David called me to wish me a happy bday which was a sweet surprise. I didn't expect to get a call since I was in Africa, of course. I just love the small things. That night at dinner I was surprised with the wait staff coming out with a bday cake and candles singing happy bday to me. Yet again, a sweet surprise. Butch arranged it all that morning with the chef. I thank the Lord for special people he has placed in my life. This bday will definitely be a bday to remember!!

Saturday June 28th we drove up the the top of Murchsion Falls. Gosh it was so pretty. There were rainbows going over the water! Then we headed to have lunch at Maggie's and off to Kampala. I spend a lot of time this night reflecting on the past 2 weeks. A lot.

Sunday June 29th we went shopping around Kampala and then that evening at 10:30 left for Amsterdam. From Amsterdam to Dallas. Loooong flights are definitely an experience. We got in an hour late , but safe and sound. Dad and Katie picked me up and that's when I was informed we were heading straight to Tulsa from the airport. I put a smile on my face (even though I wanted to cry because I was so tired and felt funny and wanted to sleep in my own bed for just one night) and slept practically the whole way there. Now, I'm in Illinois and you are up to date!

Long post...but so few words to talk about something words can't describe.

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