Saturday, July 19, 2008

Joy and Pain, Sunshine and Rain

We never know what tomorrow holds. Never.

Just as the longest week of my life was coming to a joyous end on Friday, I got the news. I was in the middle of an adoption ceremony celebrating the life of this new family and was sharing tears of joy with many when a call came in telling us that one of my boys (well, I should say young man- he’s 17) that’s in adoptive placement was in a serious 4 wheeler accident and was being care flighted to the hospital. Immediately I was overwhelmed with the fact that two extremes could be happening at the SAME time--joy and celebration as well as pain and tragedy. I was sitting there doing everything I could to be there—fully—in that room celebrating the adoption as I was thinking, “Lord, what in the world are You doing? There must be a reason I don’t know all the details because I’m in here, but PLEASE sweet Jesus be wherever he is!” Of course, not having any details at the time allows for the mind to wonder. As I think about it, pain and suffering as well as joy and celebration happen at the same time each and every day.

Our awareness of it is a different story.

As soon as my boss and I were able to head out to the hospital we did. We spent all evening up there and I didn’t get home until pretty late. Boy, I’ll tell you what—I will be okay if I NEVER have to be asked to go into a ‘family room’ at a hospital ever again. Just the feeling you get as you walk in there is awful—not to mention the waiting.

The information received last night was that he has a C7 fracture of his spine as well as a fracture on the bottom of his skull. He also had to have his scalp stapled shut because it was torn open—basically scalped. We were also informed that he had a minor cranial bleed that they were thinking would heal on it’s own but were keeping an eye on everything just to make sure. By the grace of God nothing affected his nerves and his spinal cord was not harmed at all. He was able to move his arms and legs. They intibated him because he was so heavily sedated, so at the time he wasn’t breathing on his own. After hours of waiting we finally got to go into ICU to see him. I cried as I prayed for him and talked to him as if he could hear me. Words just can’t describe something like this. I wanted him to open his eyes. I wanted him to squeeze my hand. I wanted to see life. I knew of course, by what the doctors told us, that it would just be a matter of time for the morphine to wear off and him to wake up, but having that knowledge and seeing it with my own eyes didn’t seem to be enough.

We got news before we left for the hospital this morning that he had woken up at 4 this morning and was talking and being his usual sarcastic self! When we got there and we walked into the ICU where he was, I could have wept as I walked up to the side of the bed—his mom holding his hand and him opening his eyes looking at me and saying “Hi, Jess”.

Life. The joy life brings.

I had the privilege to laugh many, many times with him (and at him in a not mean way J --that pain medicine will make you say some funny stuff) today and enjoy the sweet fellowship of his parents love for their son. I was blessed to see the unwavering and unconditional love of a Father this morning. As his son reached out and said “I love you, Dad” in a weak and scratchy voice and watched the father say it back with tears in his eyes, I saw Jesus.

The most updated news is that he has some minor fractures also in his T vertebrae, but these will heal on their own. He will have to wear a neck collar for 10-12 weeks for the C7 break to heal. He was moved out of ICU tonight and into his own room. Praise, Jesus! He is going to be okay. Each and every doctor and nurse that came to see him (trust me, there were a ton) stated something to the fact that he is lucky. I get what they mean, of course, but each and every time it’s as if I could hear the Lord saying, “I am sovereign. Luck has nothing to do with this.” I praise Jesus for His sovereignty and His miracle working ability to protect this young man. He could have taken him if He wanted, but He didn’t. PLEASE keep him in your prayers. They are extremely needed and I know I can speak on behalf of him and his parents that they are greatly appreciated.

Right before I left the hospital today I was sitting holding Trey’s hand and watching him sleep just thanking the Lord for his life and praying He would use this in Trey’s life to be glorified and just marveling at just how great our God is and a nurse walked by behind us singing. He sang, “Joy….and Pain, Sunshine…and Rain…” I smiled as the truth and simplicity of those words sunk in.

It summed up everything perfectly.


Ingrid said...

this post brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful is our Lord to see us through this times of trials. I think of Proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. The Lord brought me to that scripture one night when I was crying out to him because of a cancer diagnosis I received. I'm okay now but I will never forget how He spoke to me and led me to the very words I needed to know at that very moment. God Bless you dear. I will save your blog on my blogsite and read more on your precious family.

Jessica said...

Thank you for your sweet comment and encouragement!