Friday, March 11, 2011


Thank you for your prayers!! I woke up this morning not feeling too well still, but as the day has gone on, I’m feeling better. I got some Vitamin C from Norma, so I should be good to go! Also, I realized I never updated on the rash I had on my legs. It is pretty much all gone. There are just a few little spots here and there that I notice when looking, but they aren’t bothering me at all. I imagine it’ll be totally gone very soon. Thank you!

Okay, so Wednesday was the first Education Seminar in March for Seed Effect for the Wudu Market. I had planned on going to the seminar with Skovia so I could simply get a feel for their interaction and just to put my face out there so the clients could see who I was since I had planned on meeting with them the next day to discuss the I Am Second Groups (IA2 from now on J). Well, after it was all said and done I ended up doing my introduction and explanation of IA2 right off the bat to the group members. Insert: flexibility. J I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect in return once explaining it. Honestly, my introduction of it all is a trial and error process. I had planned out what specifically needed to be covered, but in what way and in what order and how exactly to word it I knew would have to be learned as I went pretty much by the responses. There were 10 people total: 9 women (and their babies) and 1 man.

I got done and asked if there were any questions…silence…silence…a soft voice speaks up. Then another..then another. I was so excited. Good questions lead to good understanding.

I was asked how often I want them to meet and I suggest at least once a week. I was asked if these groups were intended to bring people together to then break away from their church since some people are doing that in certain denominations and it is making people mad. What a good question; one I hadn’t planned on, but totally made sense. I could see in that moment how God had prepared me for it since I had talked on this topic numerous times in the villages when I was out with the team evangelizing and discipling. Of course I explain that is not the purpose and that I come representing Jesus Christ and no specific denomination. I was asked if there is a curriculum used and if they would be able to get the scripture ahead of time so they could study and be prepared!! Can I get a Hallelujah?!! I mean, this made me so happy. The last question asked was if they could do these groups out of their homes, instead of the market place because more people would likely be a part of them this way. Oh, it was music to my ears! That is precisely what these are all about!! J I explained that if Scripture is what they want, then Scripture would most def. be provided to them and if doing them from their homes is what they felt best, then by all means go for it!! It ended up that the discussion was closed with them saying they would take this information and get more people and let us know what day and time would work best for them tomorrow, likely to be multiple groups. Scovia said she would head to the market to touch base with them the next day. If I am going to be honest, I wasn’t really satisfied with that knowing how hard communication can be here, but I trusted it would all work out eventually since in my trying to explain how I thought it would best work didn’t seem to get through completely.

Before closing up, we took prayer requests. Would you please pray for 3 women specifically? I don’t remember their names, but the Lord knows…one lady has Typhoid, another has severe pain in her feet and legs, and another had a nasty wound on her leg. I knew as soon as I saw it what it was from. My dad always made sure to make it VERY clear that when riding his motorcycle with him to ALWAYS pay attention to the pipes. It would be a very bad price to pay if I didn’t. She had a very bad burn from a motorbike. She was showing me her burn and another lady pulled up her skirt to show me the nasty scar she had from the same thing. I imagine there are many people walking around here with these burns…so painful, so preventable. Please pray for healing for these women.

Once Scovia was done with the education seminar part I asked her how she thought my part went. She said it was very successful!! She said the fact that they were asking questions meant that they were listening and interested. Thank you, Lord!

Question: What does it mean to you to rely upon the Holy Spirit in your day to day life? What does it tangibly look like? I’d love your thoughts!

We had our second Edu. Seminar in Leikor Market yesterday. This is the market closest to where I live. It’s an easy walk up the road. There were 15 there! Scovia did her thing first, and then I followed up. Not only did I have some good questions asked (different once since I knew which ones to cover the second time around), but at least 3 of them women wanted me to know that they were very excited about this opportunity and that they KNOW God will bless it! I can’t explain the joy. One lady wanted me to know that when she was in Uganda in a camp years ago they had a group that would meet together for discipleship and she loved it and has missed it since then so she is thanking God for answering her prayers. Wow. Then, the ladies didn’t want me to leave until they had a day and time set!! I was so thankful, as this shows me they are taking ownership of these groups. So, Saturday from noon-2 will be the first official IA2 group meeting!! Please be praying, I think much is going to come from this bunch!!

After we got done a man came up wanting to not ask the loan officer or Scovia, but ME about Seed Effect. They tried to tell him that they could answer his questions, but he insisted. So, I told them it was totally fine, and if I didn’t have an answer, I simply didn’t have an answer. I just felt though there was going to be more to it. Come to find out he is actually a SE client, as is his wife (who so happens to be the one that was the most positive and encouraging about the IA2 groups!) He wanted to express to me something things he feels should be different, exceptions with loans, etc. I listened (which is pretty much want most people want…just to be listened to) and then offered him my opinion and the truth about why I know the SE policies are in place. Then he started getting into a convo about how he is a black man and I don’t understand (because I’m white). Door open. I was waiting for it. Long story short, our conversation ended up with the Gospel being shared and my whole purpose of being here in Sudan. He was asking how to know who the REAL God is and how we are supposed to trust that God will provide, etc. I ended up having to leave before I was finished because of my ride, but Scovia stayed to finish up with him. His name is Francis. Please pray that Francis’ eyes and heart will be opened up to the ONE TRUE GOD and that He will come to experience God’s saving grace. I’m hoping and praying that God will use that conversation to keep him invested to figuring things out, or at least curious about who in the world this crazy white girl is telling him that her blood is the same color as his under our skin!! The IA2 group would be ideal for him and considering his wife is all in, it just would fit together so perfectly.

Oh, I can’t forget to ask you to also pray for Innocent. Innocent is a young man who came to the compound about a week ago to fix the generator. He walked in the conference room where I was, came up to me and just started shooting tons of questions at me! The funny thing is that he was so busy talking that he never once listened for any answers!!! I was like whoa, there bud! So, we joked a bit and he went to walk out. I followed him out and said, “hey…did you not want to hear ANY of the answers to your questions?!!” Haha…I know, bold. It wasn’t as rude as it sounds. I promise. J So, he looked at me and walked up to me and goes, okay with a huge smile. I told him that I would love to answer any and all questions but he never gave me a chance…so then I proceeded to answer them. ..who I was, where I was from, why I was here, how long I’ll be here, etc. I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last I saw Innocent. That conversation set up the dynamic of our interaction. Frankness. He came around a couple more times and I would make sure to say hello and ask how he was doing. Then, he came by the day before yesterday and came up to me telling me he came by but didn’t see me! Then he proceeded to demand me to play the guitar I was holding. I tried to explain that I was just learning…he didn’t hear any of it!! I’m telling you, he talks and talks but simply doesn’t listen. So, I decided I would point that out to him. Yep, sure did. He laughed and laughed of course. So, I’m sitting in my chair in the shade reading yesterday morning before I headed out to Leikor market and I hear a motorbike pull in. I look up and it was Innocent. I quickly prayed for the Lord to give me His words and direct the conversation. He walked up to me, we chit chatted about nothing, and then he told me he knows I was bored. I told him, no, actually I wasn’t at all. He proceeds to tell me, yes, I am…how could I not be...just sitting there only having the children and maids to interact with…what kind of life is that. Door open. Innocent stayed there and we talked for about 45 minutes or so. He is Roman Catholic and with that denomination here comes a ton of non-biblical junk. I mean that, too. We were able to THOROUGHLY go through the Gospel and what Jesus’ death accomplished. He asked SO MANY good questions. His not listening is honestly a spiritual thing. I can see right through it. Many things I don’t feel like were actually heard by him, but I do feel like so much Truth was shared that SOME of it just had to be! I pray that God will open his ears to HEAR the Truth of the Word. He’s a tough cookie….good thing God’s in that business! I have no doubt he’ll be coming around ever so often. It was a wonderful opportunity that the Lord gave me and I thank God He gave me answers as Innocent is oh, so good at spouting questions! Pray, pray, pray.

I went over to Norma’s this morning and hung out with her the majority of the day since I didn’t have anything specific in the market place today. I thought resting a bit would be a good idea. It was lovely and much needed. I headed up to the SE office afterwards and guess what I got to be a part of? I don’t even know what to call it. It was a meeting to gather friends (SE workers) of one of the guys that works for SE who is getting married in April to discuss the bride price and their role in helping him raise the funds for it! I was just asked to join; I had NO IDEA what it was! I was so intrigued. I left with a sheet of paper that laid out the specific prices of different things that he has to pay her parents. It is his friends who help raise that money for him!!! Let me just list a few of the items on the list: money for stepping on cow dung (yes, word for word), cows, goats, hurricane lamp, sugar, and a hunting spear. Those are just a few of the items. Did I mention how intrigued I was?! My personal Bible study that I am doing right now is one my sweet friend Marsha wrote and it is called “Preparing to be the Bride of Christ: A call to Holiness”. It is rocking my world. So, I’ve been reading and studying about marriage…THE marriage and traditional Jewish weddings (and praying about my future marriage, Lord willing…). So, when this came up today, I just loved it. Of course relationships and marriage being a passion of mine, I soaked it all up, listening and asking tons of questions to the ladies after the meeting was over.

Okay, can I insert somewhat of a non-spiritual bit of information in here? Word to the wise…make sure if you even have to go pee a little bit before getting on a motorbike, you GO! I thought I might pee on myself on the way home, no lie. Come to think about it, it was a VERY spiritual situation…I was PRAYING the ENTIRE ride home!! Haha

I got home (I just typed home…) and headed across the street to go talk to Mary, my translator to make sure she was good to go with me tomorrow to the Market for the IA2 group and I walked up and there were about 5 women all sitting around taking tea. I was able to fully greet them and respond and answer what my name was when I was asked!!!! We laughed and joked. It was so refreshing. They invited me over for tea next time, wanting to interact with me. Their huge smiles and wrinkled faces just drew me in. I walked off with a huge smile on my face and felt such a confirmation that I am where I am supposed to be…that all is right. It’s as if the lens of my life zoomed out and I could see the bigger picture for a slit second: I was leisurely walking across the road in Kajo Keji, Sudan to discuss the ministry I am actively a part of, greeting in a tribal African language, and living life alongside and with these beautiful people. Surreal, yet just right.

I’ll leave you this time with some of my favorite things that warm my heart:

Reaching out to give sweet Alice a huge hug and her returning it!!! Here handshakes are huge!! But, I’m a hugger through and through, so being able to hug and receive it in return blesses me so!

Getting online to read many, many encouraging emails and messages.

Mercy and Wani (4 year olds) being on the other side of the fence and seeing me come home and sprinting alongside the fence to get to me only to run full force into my legs and giving me a huuuuge hug saying “JEKSA, JEKSA!” The have captured my heart, folks.

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