Sunday, April 3, 2011

A biscuit never tasted so sweet!

This past week was so FULL!!  I’m sitting here looking back and wow, how simply marvelous is our God!  I am humbled beyond words that I get to be a part of this.  I’m literally sitting here just shaking my head in awe of His plan.  Lots to share…

I’ll start with today and then rewind through to the beginning of the week.

I got to church this morning and looked around to see if I recognized any of the people I had specifically asked to come, or told me they would.  I didn’t see anyone.  I was hoping to see John again.  Then, all of a sudden as the pastor was making announcements I hear this voice talking over him.  I look back and sure enough, there’s John. He’s just talking, and you can tell people are snickering a little bit because he just started talking over the pastor!  So, Pastor Kenneth focuses on him and I pick up on the fact that he’s speaking a different language than KuKu even, so they had to get someone who spoke Swahili to translate what he was saying into KuKu.  I was totally out of the loop! All I know is that he was very passionate in what he was saying and a few times he would say, “sister” and point to me, everyone would look at me, and he would continue.  What in the world?  So, he wraps up and the Pastor says, “Praise the Lord.” everyone claps and I’m thinking he was sharing his testimony.  Awesome.  But, then he stood back up and just randomly started talking again.  And again.  He did this like 5 times.  You could tell there was something going on.  They were politely ignoring him now, as best as they could.  Oh, John…I’m pretty sure he had slipped and was under the influence of alcohol.  What better place for him to be? So, then, he talks up again and the Pastor focuses on him and asks him to stand up so he could be heard.  He starts again in the midst of talking he’s saying, “sister this and sister that…” and pointing to me!! So, now, I’m wondering if I want to know what’s going on!! Then, I look over at him and he’s starting at me, he points to me, I feel the need to wave at him, so I do, and he waves back, and walks out of the church.  Haha…I’m telling you, I had no idea what was going on!  Everything in me wanted to stand up and be like, “Umm could someone PLEASE tell me what is going on?!” I didn’t. I figured I’d patiently wait until church was over and THEN I would say exactly that! J Well, come to find out, he was sharing his testimony of why he was there.  He was telling them that it was because of Peter and I that he had come, and why he will continue to come.  He was then talking to them about how his eye sight was getting worse and how he wanted goggles (glasses), etc.  Then I was told he was talking about some random things off and on, and then at the end part he was talking to ME! He was telling me that he was leaving because he had to go do something with his animals, but he would be back for prayers (church) this evening and that he wanted me to know that he WOULD be back.  So, when I waved, I was acknowledging just that.  I had no idea! That’s why after I waved, he left.  He was finished. I’m telling you, you just never know what is in store moment by moment! I’m waiting to see what the Lord has in store with John.  I’m thinking there’s more in store…we shall see! Oh, how I desire freedom for this man.

The message was so good.  Pastor Kenneth taught on Joseph and Potipher’s wife.  And then at the end of the service….11 children surrendered their lives to Christ!!!! That is HUGE considering it’s a tiny church!! I was so excited!

Here’s something that should be eye opening to you…Pastor Kenneth discussed the church’s offerings for last month.  Keep in mind today marks the 7th week this church has existed. Last month’s giving totaled 43,200 shillings.  That’s just over 20 bucks.  Twenty dollars for the month.  That is a lot here, and nothing in the US.  Every bit of that was given sacrificially.  I praise the Father for the continual reminder that it’s not how much that’s given but the condition in which the heart is that gives it.

So, before I get into the specifics, I want to share something that the Lord brought to my attention.  Almost every single discipleship group I met with this past week came to their own conclusion that what they learned was that they are to put God first in everything!  That is HUGE! That is the purpose! Really, I had wondered how the title of these groups (I Am Second) would transfer into this culture.  I am happily surprised that it actually clicks extremely well!! They seem to be getting it.  He is revealing His truths, only something He can do!!

On Monday I was supposed to meet with a group, but they all went home before I even got there, so it was a free Monday!  I’ve learned that God seems to always know when I do and don’t need rest.  So, I’ve finally given up and have allowed myself to just BE. I know, deep. J I’m way too stubborn for my own good sometimes.  Thank God for his loving patience with me. Scovia came to tell me that the group wasn’t meeting and she and Kaya and I ended up sitting and talking.  I already knew my beliefs scripturally on the topic of men who take more than one wife and being born again; participating in church, etc., but I hadn’t picked the brain of Kaya yet.  So, the opportunity arose and I am oh, so glad for it.  I am so grateful for solid, Biblical, no-nonsense, anti-culture, Godly Truth, and those who are not afraid to proclaim it boldly. Man, it just pumps me up! God knew that conversation was in preparation for the near future….

Tuesday at noon was the IA2 group with the vocational students.  I was excited to meet to see how successful the accountability was going to be.  Well, last week there were 8 gals.  This week there were over 20 people. Ahh! So, it was hard, because there were 3 girls from last week there and everyone else were either new to the group or had just been to the introduction of it. (2 out of the 3 girls said they did actually do what they said they would!) Can you hear flexibility written all over it?!! Each group meeting is pretty much like this.  So, we go over the scripture passage for this meeting, and the interaction and participation was great.  We got to the part where we were to discuss how they were individual going to be changed from what they learned and what we had discussed.  All of a sudden, I knew I was to try something new.  There was no way we had time nor would everyone be willing to share one by one. So, I had them break into groups of 4 or 5 and discuss with each other how they were going to be changed..something specific. Once we got the translations all figured out, they grouped together and they all started talking!! I was like a giddy school girl trying to contain myself.  Lord, you are going to make this work!! ..and potentially better than ever!!  One group even asked if they could use my Bible so they could read over the passage again.  Could they use my Bible…OF COURSE!!! I practically threw it at her!! Lol Do you know what I stood there and saw?  Leaders.  I was watching before me, specific leaders emerge among this large group.  In each small group there was one person that was taking the lead and guiding the discussion.  It was beautiful to watch.  It’s like God was giving me a preview to what could happen! I was potentially seeing 5 different groups starting in front of me! Now, they could have very well been discussing what they ate for dinner the night before and I wouldn’t have a clue, but I really don’t think this was the case.  Then, after a little while I had someone from each group share how they were going to be changed and then they got back together and discussed who they would share the story with and then a few shared with the entire group. I really was so excited.  You could tell that by me not being the center of the discussion, they were interacting so much more free with each other.  It was a breath of fresh air. So, we shall see what this looks like when we meet tomorrow (Monday) for follow up.  My prayer is that the peer accountability will prove beneficial and that obedience is achieved! The less I’m needed the better it is!!

Wednesday I didn’t have anything for some reason.  This day of rest was simply wonderful.

Thursday Scovia and I headed out to Mondikalok. This is the one village I didn’t physically go out to myself with Scovia to introduce the IA2 groups.  She went out there herself.  So, I was excited to see all the Lord had in store, showing my face to them for the first time after hearing about me and what I was coming to do.  Scovia dropped me off at the market and then went to park the motorbike somewhere else.  So, I’m asked to go sit in a chair under one of the awnings.  So, I do and I’m just watching the people, as usual.  Then pretty far a way I notice two young men walking in my direction.  They were holding hands, swinging their arms, and in conversation.  This is common here, but they caught my eye.  They weren’t exactly walking steadily, and I just knew.  I’m telling you, it’s somewhat comical at times, but I just knew they were going to end up stopping at me.  Sure enough, right to me and more drunk than anyone I’ve seen so far.  I could tell that one of the men had been drinking and possibly doing other things for a little while simply by the scars and sores on his face.  Your physical appearance tells part of your story when it comes to drugs and alcohol.  He was talking English to me, but you wouldn’t have known it.  And one of them was determined to make sure I understood what he was saying.  I was praying so hard that the Lord would allow me to understand him so I could actually respond.  It didn’t help that the things I did understand just didn’t make sense.  He was just so drunk. So, here I have one drunken guy trying to translate for the other guy who was even more drunk than the first.  I’m sure my face looked pitiful as I was trying SO HARD to make out what they were saying.  I did a lot of nodding.  I’m thinking, “Okay, where is Scovia?  I need some back up here.”  Come to find out, what he was trying to say to me was that if I was here to share the Gospel of Jesus then he wanted me to go with him to his wife and share with her, because she and his family need to hear about Jesus.  Really?! THAT is what he was saying!?! Then, the other guy decides to tell us that he is 4 days old in his faith..that he surrendered to Christ 4 days ago.  So, I had Scovia tell them that they are in the perfect place and the perfect time and that I will be having a group meeting in a few minutes and I wanted then to come!  So, the first guy says he’s going to go get his family and will be there!  Y’all…he walked off, went left..turned around, went right…they were just so drunk.  Come to find out Scovia tells me that the first guy is her relative and he has been a drunk for a while now and that they both don’t know Jesus but every time someone comes to share the Gospel they say they want their family to hear or that they have already surrendered to Christ because they know that’s what we want to hear.  How sad.  I prayed they would find their way to the church where I had the meeting, but they didn’t.  God knew.  I pray that they will one day TRULY surrender their lives to Christ and TRULY want their family to know the saving power of Jesus.  So, we walk around for a bit mobilizing, telling people where and when to meet.  We’re walking down the street, going and saying hi on one side, then across the road to say hello to others.  I just love it.  One of the boda drivers tries to purposely mess me up in my KuKu greeting and I corrected him.  You should have seen the laughter. Scovia shows me around where her family lives.  Modikalok is the village she is from and where her some of her family still lives.  She showed me their land.  Then, we get back to the church to start the group and there are 5 people there waiting.  4 women and 1 man.  Perfect. Group went so well!  I tell you what…it is absolutely beautiful to see the solid, born again believers encouraging and out right challenging those in the group who confess they have not trusted Jesus yet for one reason or another.  For me to sit back and watch it literally brings me a joy that is unspeakable.  Boy, do these people have stories.  They are humbling to say the least.  I’m excited to see all the Lord decides to accomplish in Mondikalok.

So, from Mondikalok we headed to Mere.  Not that I don’t look forward to the other groups, but I always look forward to my time with the ladies in Mere.  There are 3 that have come consistently and all have captured my heart. Only one of them is born again. They genuinely want to be there and are usually waiting for us when we arrive, having set up the seating in the unfinished building we meet in. It’s all so simple and I just love it. So, Thursday it was just Cizerina and Phoebe.  It was such a sweet, sweet time. Phoebe was the young lady who said she didn’t want to share her story last time because she might break down.  Well, I think it’s safe to say that a breakthrough happened.  God REALLY worked on her heart this past week and boy did she open up.  She spilled out everything.  She is a second wife.  Remember the conversation I had on Monday?  Yep.  God had prepared me for Phoebe.  There is way too much to type out regarding all that we talked about, but let’s just say she has been told a lot of NON-truths regarding her worth and value, her ability to worship God, and how God sees her by those who claim to be followers of Christ.  Righteous anger juuuust about bubbled over in me as I watched this beautiful young lady with her head hanging low sharing all of the things she believes about herself.  She has been told for so long that she is weak that she fully believes it.  My anger towards the lies she has been told for so long burned within me.  God provided a beautiful time of Truth to be poured out over her and I pray (and fully expect) God to use His word as a salve to heal the wounds that have been caused by those who are following not Jesus Christ, but religion.  She has a lot of fears and insecurities that are holding her back from freely falling into the arms of Jesus.  Please pray for Phoebe.  I don’t think it will be long before she chooses the freedom Christ is offering her.

The Seed Effect staff IA2 group was on Friday morning.  It’s just so good.  They are able to go deep and it’s challenging not only to others, but to me too.  It’s a joy to sit back and watch the Lord reveal His truth; often in ways that are different than I have learned before!

I met with a new group from Wudu market on Friday was well.  This is the group that includes Monica, the lady that came purposely to apologize for not showing when she said she would.  They were ready and waiting for us!  I really felt that this group was ready to jump into the Word, so we dove in.  There was a lot of good interaction and insight given!  We got to the part of how they will be changed and I’m telling you, this one lady almost didn’t let me finish my sentence before she shared how she wanted to be changed!  It put a smile to my face.  Then someone else shared and she had something else!  Then, again…a third thing! I thought, man, God is really convicting this lady!!  Then as she’s speaking about the 3rd thing she mentions that she is Muslim. Yeah, I’d be lying if I wasn’t taken a bit back.  But, praise God, she’s in the right place!  Please be praying.

Now, to Yaba.  We headed out to Kiri on Friday afternoon, where Yaba is.  There is so much I could share.  I don’t even know where to start.  I’ve been praying for the Lord to speak to me, to show me what exactly He desires of me when it comes to Yaba.  I found a peace at buying Yaba some food while I was there at the market place each week and asking him to be a part of the discipleship group.  I knew this could possibly “ruffle some feathers” simply because he can be “distracting” and because from what little I’ve seen he seemed to usually be diverted away.  I told Scovia as we were walking around upon arriving I wanted Yaba to be in the group.  I said I don’t know where he is but I need to buy him bread and tell him to come join us.  Then, we look, and he was sitting right there about 4 feet in front of us, just sitting on the ground.  So, Scovia calls him and he looks up and sees me.  I had to laugh because immediately he reaches his hand out and says, “Give. Me. Money.” This time though, I smiled and bent down beside him and said hi to him and actually focused on HIM, not AT Him like everyone seemed to do before.  I was going back and forth in my head, asking God to, “Please show me what to do.  I don’t know.  Please show me.” So, Scovia tells me maybe I should just give him money and that way he can buy what he wants.  I didn’t have a peace about that.  I just didn’t.  In the mean time she is talking to one of the store owners and come to find out she was asking about Yaba.  He does have parents.  They lived around there somewhere, both a mom and dad.  But, he leaves the home in the morning and comes to the market place and just stays there all day until dark when he goes home.  I ask him his name and he is talking but Lord knows I can’t understand and I knew when I asked his name he DID NOT say Yaba.  So, I’m thinking what in the world am I dealing with?  So, I ask Scovia to ask him, and that’s when he tells her Rabin (I think that’s it).  Come to find out Yaba is just a generic name for what they call “little boys”.  He’s from a Muslim home.  He actually speaks English pretty well!  It’s just that sometimes when he talks he trails off or literally spit will get in the way and it’s like he’s just sputtering.  Or, he’ll talk so quiet I just can’t hear what he is saying and then he’ll just stare.  So, he’s FAR more interactional than I first thought.  Very high functioning.  I asked him how old he was and he said 5.  I was quickly reminded that still, there’s something not completely developed correctly.  He’s definitely not 5.  He’s probably more like 12 or 13 if I had to guess.  So, I bought him some mugatti (sweet bread) and asked him to come sit with us.  I heard mumblings almost immediately upon interacting with him and thought, “Here we go, Lord…show me your will.”  From what I was told the people in the market place take care of him during the day, some giving him money to buy food and tea.  This brought me so much joy yet, while it seems his physical needs are being met, his greater need…spiritual still burdened me severely.  So before I know it there are around 20 people sitting around me, one being Yaba.  I knew immediately this was going to be interesting with so many people, most having not a clue why I was there, but wanting to find out.  They were just people that were in the market place at that time.  So, we begin.  While Scovia is translating or speaking and I’m waiting for translation, I’m praying.  Yaba sat there on the ground eating his bread, seemingly content.  Then, about mid-way through he stands up and his back is towards the group.  Scovia continues speaking.  Immediately, before I could even think really I heard myself yell in my head, “No, Lord!! I want him to stay!!! Please, Jesus, don’t let him leave.” He stands there.  Scovia is still talking to the group.  And I think what I hear is, “Call on Yaba.”  So, I’m like, “Umm, is that just me or what? God? Is that you?” Again, “Call on Yaba.”  So, I’m thinking, “Okay, what is this going to be like?  What is this going to do to the group dynamic?  What are people going to say?”  And I just felt in my heart that I was being told that it would likely make everyone talk.  It would likely be really awkward.  It would likely end up with people thinking it was not a good idea to encourage him to talk.  Then I felt even stronger I was to call on Yaba.  The question we were discussing was from regarding the specific scripture we were talking about, what did it teach us about God? So, he’s standing there and there was a pause and before I even knew what was going on I heard my voice.  “Yaba!”  It was one of those moments.  I know for a fact I didn’t not willingly say his name, y’all.  He turns around with those eyes of his and looks at me, drool literally flinging as he turned around.  I then found myself saying to Yaba, “You have been listening?”  He walks in front of Scovia and me to the point where we are leaning a bit back because he’s so close.  He nods yes.  I said, “So, from what you have heard then, Yaba, what do you think it teaches us about God?”  I hear the snickers from the rest of the people.  Not even snickers, outright talking.  My heart is pumping so fast.  He sits down directly in front of us and looks up at me and says, “God is good.” Lord, help it.  My soul. I smiled at him and looked in those eyes of his and assured him that yes, God is indeed good.  People laughed, I think almost in amazement.  Then he started saying something else, completely unrelated.  I couldn’t tell, so I’m asking Scovia.  I could tell she was hesitant. He asks her name.  She tells him.  Then she says to me, “Okay, we should continue, he’s going to be a distraction.”  Every emotion that could washed over me. Every single one.   It was happening just like I was told.  I politely said, “he’s not a distraction.  I’m okay with him doing just this.  I asked him purposely”.  She said, “you don’t have to worry about him leaving, he’ll stay here”. I said softly, “God told me to ask him.”   She said, “Okay.  Let’s keep going.” So, I swallowed the huge knot in my throat and simply said, “Okay, go for it.”  She starts talking and he is saying something else.  He’s right at our feet.  She stops; people are saying things to him.  Things that I can only assume, but my spirit just felt like it was like they were telling him to be quiet, to stop.  I said again to Scovia, “He’s not disrupting, he’s a part of this group like everyone, it’s okay.” She looks at me and with her sweet spirit says, “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.  The group will lose interest if we keep talking to him and don’t keep with the program.  You can talk to him after we are finished, okay?” I had so much built up in me it was crazy.  Everything in my Spirit cried, “He IS the group.  He is a part of this just like every other person here.  They need to see this.  Jesus would have talked to him.  Jesus would have called on him.  Jesus TOLD ME to! They need to see Jesus’ love for him.  He can talk. He has an opinion and God can speak to him just the same as He can speak to any one of us!”  I just looked at her, took a deep breath, knowing that all I was to do was obey what I was told by God and I had, and said, “okay, you continue please”.  I know her heart.  She wants Yaba to know Jesus as much as I do.  We are truly one in Spirit.  But, at the moment it’s like there was a block.  I couldn’t stand it. It was like I could feel the weight of world against me. She continued and Yaba was quiet the rest of the time.  I couldn’t help but ask if I was wrong.  Did I hear you wrong, God? No.  What I said would happen, happened.  I was a mess on the inside and struggling to keep it together on the outside.  So, we finish the group and everyone disperses and Yaba looks up and me and says, “Mommy” and motions for me to come to him.  MOMMY! I’m only human, y’all. I almost lost it.  So, I come to him and he says something to me.  Oh, ha...he asks for money.  I motioned the sack of bread and said, “Ohhh Yaba, I bought you bread; I’m not giving you money.”  He just stares at me.  I tell him I’m glad he was with us today.  I stand up and he’s holding my hand just as hard as he does every single time.  I help him stand up and he’s mumbling something.  So, I tell him I am leaving and I will see him next week on Friday just like today.  People around are laughing and commenting.  He wouldn’t let go of my hand so I’m smiling and pullllling my hand away.  Finally, I’m walking away with Scovia and she says she wants to buy something really quick.  Well, Yaba is soon by my side again.  He grabs my hand and says, “Sit with me.” And he’s trying to pull me over to a bench.  So, I go with him and sit down next to him on the bench and I stare in his eyes again and say, “Okay, so you want to talk to me.  Tell me what you have to say, friend.”  He pulls out money from his pocket and grabs my hand and sticks in in my palm.  I looked at him puzzled and said, “Yaba, this is your money.  It’s not for me.” I thought he was trying to pay me back for the bread!!!! I almost died.  But then, he says, “biscuits.” So, I look at him and ask if he wants to buy biscuits (cookies).  He just keeps saying, “Go. Biscuits.”  I knew he couldn’t be hungry.  He ate SO MUCH of the bread pieces I got him.  I was watching him and it’s like he was forcing himself to keep eating them.  So, then a man comes up and he’s saying something to Yaba.  I made sure to tell him Yaba wasn’t bothering me.  I was talking with him purposely.  So, he talks to Yaba in KuKu and Yaba wanted him to go buy him some biscuits.  But, then someone says something about how he just ate, etc. and the man lovingly, but also somewhat laughing comes up to him and tells him to save his money and puts his money back in Yaba’s pocket for him.  Yaba starts crying!!!  He just wanted some biscuits!! It kind of took me off guard.  I was agreeing with the man! I looked specifically to see and he had tears in his eyes.  So, the man comes back and he takes his money back out of his pocket and says, “Ok, Yaba. I’ll get you biscuits.”   The guys are all laughing, just because the whole ordeal, mainly because I was sitting there in the midst of it all.  So the guy comes back and hands him the cookies in their wrapper and Yaba hands them to me.  So, I opened them for him and handed them back.  He takes two of the cookies and takes my hand and puts them in my palm.  I can’t even type this without crying.  I just looked at him and said, “You wanted me to have these biscuits didn’t you? Please, you have them. “He looks at me and says, “No. For you.”  He didn’t eat them.  He got them for me, to give me.  It was his gift to ME. So, I ate them.  I thanked him.  My heart was simply overwhelmed. Those were the most precious cookies I’ve ever been given. Then it was time to go and he grabbed my hand and kept saying, “Sit.  Sit.”  I reassured him I’d be back in one week on Friday.  Every Friday. We walked off.  I had so many thoughts and emotions going on in my body it’s like they all cancelled each other out so I felt almost numb.  I was quiet the ride back, looking at God’s beauty wondering what in the world God was doing.  I’m CONSTANTLY being reminded that what I am to do is obey.  Just keep obeying. There are mountains right here where I stay. The main road rides alongside them.  They are beautiful.  He reminded me that not only CAN He move mountains, but He DOES move mountains and He WILL move mountains.  I just have to trust. Wait. Obey. Watch. 

I do believe this isn’t the end of this story.  God fully intends to be made known.  I am anxiously awaiting this unveiling!!  Please keep praying.

1 comment:

Anna DePalma said...

Jessica I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading this. I sat here as I was reading and just wished that my physical health was better because I would love someday to take a trip like this with you. It all sounds so remarkable and wonderful how the Lord is just using you in ever situation. You are such an encouragement and not everyone can do what you are doing. You are in my prayers hoping that you accomplish all that you have gone there for and I know that God is so good and so faithful to all of those that devote their lives to serving him. I will pray for the ladies also and I hope the Yaba will continue to be present in all of your meetings. God bless you and give you the strength each day to achieve what you set out to do. Love ya