Sunday, July 5, 2009

Front and Center

Oh, man o man. Today was absolutely amazing. I LOVE how God is so good at surprising us at what He has in store for each day. It's so exciting to live it out and see what His plan is...and that I am the one that gets to be a part of it!!

The day started out with us going to to Gulu Bible Community Church (Norma's church). Man, it puts worship into perspective. I love the freedom to dance and sing to the Lord. So fun. After church we grabbed lunch at the mission house really fast...and can I say it was my favorite meal from last year. I was so excited!! Simply, it's pretty much like scrambled eggs with onions and peppers and tomatoes. Then we had noodles and beans--staple food here. Then we headed with Sam and a few others to the military barracks--the hospital there. The team split into two and one team went on one side and we went on the other. I was blessed to share the Word with a number of the soldiers and their families. I spoke on Prov. 37:3-8. I was glad the Lord gave that to me this morning in my quiet time because I wasn't planning on speaking. I love that--God says speak, and I speak. No question about it-He always provides the words-His words. Then, Sam ( a wonderful guy who loves the Lord that works for Favor of God) shared his testimony and shared the Gospel clearly. When he asked those to raise their hands who wanted to surrender their lives to live for him the hands flew up...about 10. I couldn't help but rejoice and praise God!! We were then able to go to each individual -believer and not and pray for them specifically..for their sickness, etc. It was amazing.

Then, from there Norma had told us that there was supposed to be a women's march through Gulu town-"March for Jesus" to begin a conference that was starting in town. I told her it would be amazing to get to record some of that. So, we found where it was going to start and sat in the van for a little and watched as they were praying. Then, a couple of the lady's from Favor of God came to us and asked if we wanted to march with them. Of course, I was in. What an opportunity. But you just gets better. Eric was going to as well...haha..march for women. :) (there were a few men, too but it would have been funny if there weren't any..but mazungu Eric) Anyways, Kristine had us get in line and kept telling me to go up to the front. It is so embarrassing at times to be such an honored guest..i would rather just blend in..but that's how it is here so you just accept it and say thank you. So we went up to about half way. Then Kristine and Mama Joyce asked if I wanted to hold a banner. They had a banners for all over East Africa. I was so humbled and of course, said YES!!! So they handed me a banner (on a stick aka a huge flag) So, I was just so honored and SO excited...what a privilege. AND THEN I'm standing there just basking in how awesome God is and I clue in on the fact that everyone is looking at me and I'm thinking "hmm what does that mean?!" and then Kristine said, "Go, Go..they want the Gulu banner in the FRONT!" ....that's when I looked up and I realized I HAD THE GULU mouth just dropped open as the 2 lines of women gently pushed me forward.


I am still just so amazed. I can't help but laugh. God is just so was so powerful and I was just so honored. I couldn't help but repeat over and over..."Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus." Being a part of something like this is definitely something that I will NEVER forget...and Eric was so nice to capture it ALL in pictures..and Sherry captured it all on film!!! You just wait...the pictures are wonderful. I'm giddy. Seriously.

After a couple hours we walked out of the was going to last over 4 hours. Then we went to the coffee shop that is owned in Gulu by a sweet couple from Austin, TX. True austinites bringing the coffee shop to Gulu. Imagine that. :) It was wonderful and relaxing.

When we got home to Norma's we were just hanging out and it wasn't long before we heard little knocking on the gate. The twin boys and a friend of theirs were back. They wouldn't talk to us for the first 20 minutes they were here... They were hungry again...they had only tea today. So, we fed them and their friend and Eric loved on them. They are more hungry for love and affection than they are for food I think. Oh, and get this. I was so angry earlier. I found out Norma talked to the woman that they kids live with and just like we suspected...the older people and her took the food we we sent them home with yesterday and today. I hate that. With a passion. I thank God He knows when to spare me from certain opportunities because if I were there when Norma had ran into her I probably would have opened my mouth and been rude because that just burns me to no end. It's this culture and I am NOT okay with it and honestly, I don't apologize for that. Children are precious to the Lord and they DO NOT deserve to be neglected and purposely left to the side. Sheesh. Okay, I'm done with that for now. I trust the Lord will provide for them. He loves them more than I ever could and HE is the judge of everyone. Thank you, Jesus.

We had some wonderful avocados tonight. Yummm. My favorite.

Today was absolute wonderful and memorable. I give all glory to you, Jesus.

Love. Love. Love.


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