Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Year in April, Part 1

It’s a bit overwhelming, looking at the blank screen knowing you have more to type than the page could hold, yet not exactly being able to put it all into words. I wonder and often conclude, that some things just aren’t meant to be written out. I do believe so.

However, right now is a time for typing.

I have found myself it this place many times before—wrapped up in the whirlwind of the life the Lord has given me. It takes effort, sometimes painstakingly so, to stop, sit, be. I’ve had to chew on this for a while and no doubt, will continue to.

I feel like a new year started this month. It’s my new year. I read something today and it talked about a spiritual awakening. It just sat with me. There’s something fresh coming and I think the Lord has been preparing me for quite a while now. Happy New Year to me!
Change—it’s a comin’. (Actually, it’s already come)Will it ever lose its scariness? I mean, it’s different for different people, but overall that 6 letter word just does something to me. It’s like I want to conquer it and never fight it again. Not in the, “I don’t want it to ever come my way again” sense, but the “I want to conquer the desire to run from it” sense. Maybe one day. I’m getting better (way better), by God’s grace alone.

This may seem off topic, but can I just say that I literally have the best friends in the world. I’m not exaggerating, either. God has made me abundantly clear on this. It was a year ago this Month (yet again, New Year—not so off topic) that I began going to a Bible Study that a friend of mine invited me to. I didn’t want to go that night. I really didn’t want to go. I remember being so tired and worn out and not expecting much, yet felt the need to make myself go, knowing how desperately I needed the fellowship with people my age. There are not words to express how genuinely glad I am that I dragged myself there. These people aren’t just my friends, they are my family. Truly. God has fed me in ways I didn’t know I needed and has allowed me to in return feed others. God’s blessing is on this group. I’ve never seen anything like it.

More to come...

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