Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good 'ol Sprite

For your enjoyment...here is one of many types of things that my days include...

So I get out of the car yesterday after work to walk into Wal-mart in the 100 mph wind. (ok, maybe it's just 30 mph or something but you get the point) It definitely brings back memories to the college days in Lubbock...back to the point--so I'm wearing my skirt from Africa. So, just imagine a cute wrap around with little fringe and beads on the side. I'm on the phone with my sister, go to grab my skirt on the side in efforts to spare the fellow wal-mart shoppers a show and I get about half way to the door and go to release and my key chain (one from Africa..go figure) is wrapped and stuck in the fringe of my skirt. I almost pulled off my skirt in efforts to keep it on! So, I'm battling the wind, on the phone, my keys are stuck ON my skirt, and all of a sudden I feel like I had just got shot in the ankle with a Beebe gun. No lie. I look down and the wind had a lovely crushed sprite can flying across the parking lot, only to find my ankle...not to mention, the contents of the can that were still in it...all over my leg. So, now I'm just trying to succeed in not looking like a total weirdo as I STILL can't get my keys off of my skirt. OK, so when I say stuck I'm not saying...oh, for a couple seconds and it was free...I'm saying I was walking in wal-mart for like 5 minutes trying to get my dadgum keys OFF of my skirt!! Needless to say, I succeeded. So I left wal-mart with less money than I went in with, keys in my hand, and a small cut on my right ankle.

Truly, life is an adventure each and ever day! :)

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